Traumatized by a Stalker Ex-Boyfriend

Posted On Wednesday, January 24th, 2024 By spookyboo22

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I’m going to begin with a warning. Some of the dark net stories in this podcast might be frightening to some. Most of these stories, such as the one today, are true stories that have happened to others. Some are told directly by the victim and others are mini documentaries from crime reports or true online forums. The stories or events in the episodes might be triggering to some people. These stories are meant for an adult audience as their content can be disturbing. While many of stories are true, the names of the victims and the stalkers or predators have been changed unless the alleged criminal has been charged in a court of law. The accused are presumed innocent until proven guilty. I know, that phrase can be frustrating when you know the story is true, but unless the predator is brought to justice, it is how our system works. This episode I know for a fact is true because it happened to me and I am tired of hiding in the shadows being afraid of the consequences.

The first part of this story is about another predator before the dark net really even existed. It is the reason why I kept my mouth shut until now. I recently started to be harassed by someone who held me against my will in his home and the first story in this episode has a lot to do with the second. The first criminal in this first story doesn’t have a social media account anymore because he was outed for what he was in public and I suppose he didn’t want that to happen again. He is living a fine life as the head of a medical center teaching at a college in California. He really should be in prison and chastised for his behavior in the past. There is nothing anyone can really do about it now. I hope if he has ever done anything else that justice is one day served. This is what he did to me and why I never said anything about what happened later.

Back when I was 9 years old, my father supported the family by working many miles away and didn’t get home until our dinner time around 6 pm. This was pretty normal for people during that time. My mother was a stay at home mom with projects such as 4-H and sometimes volunteering at the local school district. I often came home to an empty house as my brother and sister were both in high school and had their own studies.

The school bus would drop me off at about 3 pm in the afternoon. Oblivious to issues in the area, I’d go inside and if Mom was home, which she usually was, I’d have an afternoon snack of cookies. Back then, elementary school students didn’t have pages and pages of homework they’re given now so I would either go out and ride my horse or watch Batman or Scooby-Doo. If I had seen the show before, I’d go into my room and play with my Barbies and model horses.

This one particular day, Mom wasn’t home and neither were my siblings. Dad was at work. We felt safe out in the country. Our closest neighbor was my best friend who was about 4 years older than I was. She was probably still at school that day because we would often hang out to play Barbies or ride our horses together and she hadn’t contacted me yet.

As a 9 year old kid who wasn’t afraid of anyone in the neighborhood, I most likely left the back sliding glass door unlocked. We always locked the front door because that is where people usually knocked. Honestly, I’m not even sure if we locked either door that day. I don’t remember being a latch key kid where I needed to have a key on me or under the mat, but it was many years ago. That afternoon, I went straight to my bedroom and started playing with my Barbies. I was sitting in the middle of the room when someone walked in. Please note that all names in the stories I am about to tell you have been changed, but the age and characteristics of the people remain the same.

“Hey, is Ron home?” a voice came through my door and I looked up. It was my brother’s friend Tip looking for my brother Ron.

“Uh no, he’ll be home after school,” I said, still playing with my dolls.

It was then Tip came in and shut the door behind him. He kneeled next to me and I can’t remember if he started a conversation with me or if he just gave the order for me to lie down on the bed with my face down. I thought maybe he was playing some silly game of hide and seek I suppose so I did what he said and buried my face in the pillow and started counting. I then heard some rustling behind me and felt him put his body on mine. I can still remember the nastiness of his raspy breath behind me as he did whatever he did, some details I will not go into here. He did not remove off my clothes but when he sat up, he was buckling his belt. I will never know for a fact what he exactly did back there but I do have a sick idea.

Confused and a bit frightened, I didn’t move. He knelt down next to my bottom bunk bed and warned me if I told anyone that he would kill my brother and my family. That sentence started a downward spiral of what I consider psychological trauma.

About a week later, I was out in the side pasture with my horse and pony. Tip casually walks up to me and sparks up a conversation as if everything was normal. I don’t remember exactly what he was saying. All I remember is that he was trying to put his hands in places they didn’t belong. My horse wasn’t all too happy with it. She knew I was scared as her ears were flat back. My best friend fortunately interrupted his dirty deed as she walked up to the edge of our lawn above the pasture and asked what I was doing. I looked at her and responded with something about getting the horses ready to ride and asked if she wanted me to come over.

When I turned around, Tip was walking away. I didn’t see him at the ranch again. Subsequently, my parents were divorced and I moved into a condo with my sister and mom. My brother sometimes stayed there but he didn’t stay long because it was only a two bedroom condo and sleeping on the couch was probably hard to do. His friends sometimes came over but I don’t know if Tip did. I vaguely remember seeing that creeper’s face at the condo, but there is some part of me that doesn’t want to remember. I have no idea if he ever came back and I never told anyone because I was afraid he would kill all of us.

The worst instance of all was with my ex-boyfriend, the one who began stalking me online later in life. We started dating when I was a month away from turning 16. Mom moved us to a better neighborhood so problems with gangsters and others were not an issue. I found some really great lifetime friends in this neighborhood so I had it pretty nice. Mom’s alimony had run out but she still did receive child support for me. My other siblings were over 18 so theirs had stopped. This meant that she had to get a job and work outside the home leaving me alone during the afternoons.

At 15 I started dating this guy. I was still not intimately active with anyone at this point. This new boyfriend and I eventually fell in love and we were together for over a year before we became intimate. After that I guess he felt as if he owned me. He was very controlling and didn’t like me to hangout with friends. He had cheated on me a few times before, once that I knew about and stupidly took him back. It was when I found a letter from another girl, rather woman, from another state when I broke up with him. She had detailed their night together in the letter and when I confronted him he at first said he didn’t know what i was talking about and when I showed him proof, he tried to beg me to stay but I broke up with him for good this time.

He at first would ask me to come over to talk about what happened. I did and he cried, begging me to come back. When I said no, he held a gun to his head and threatened to kill himself. I knew he wouldn’t so I left, praying he didn’t pull the trigger. That was traumatizing enough. For months, he followed me around in his car and would wait for me to get out of school and would try to pick me up from school so I had to avoid him while hiding away until he left.

We even moved to the woods 30 miles away in another city to get away from him. When we first moved he would call the new phone number and just listen to me say hello forcing us to change the phone number several times. I had also dropped my 6th period class and started parking my car in the teacher’s back parking lot at school so he wouldn’t see the car. One day during my 5th period class a message called out to me over the loudspeaker telling me I had to go up to the office because my brother had been in an accident. The moment I walked out of class my ex boyfriend was there, begging me to talk to him. This was months after I left him. I told him I had to go, because my brother had been in an accident. He said no, there was no accident and he lied about the call to get me out of class so I would talk to him.

I told him no and I went back into class and from what I remember, I didn’t hear from him again for a while. Eventually, he stopped calling and following me. I figured it was finally over and he probably found someone else to love or harass. Mind you, I hadn’t said anything to anyone. I don’t believe there were any stalking laws yet. I don’t remember. I was too scared to tell anyone because of what happened in the past.

A few months later, it was finally May and I couldn’t graduate high school until I returned my books. Since I was 17 my mom would still be responsible for them and I didn’t want her to deal with having to pay for them. I realized I had left them at my ex-boyfriend’s house. Thinking he was totally over me because I hadn’t heard anything from him for months, I knocked on the door and asked if he had my books. He had guests over at his house so when he said they were in his room I thought it was ok. While I was looking around for the books in his room, he came into the room and locked the door behind him. He said he wanted to make love to me one more time before he would let me go. I said no and tried to leave but he wouldn’t budge.

At one point I tried to put my hand behind his back and grab the door handle but he shoved me away from the door hard, hurting my arm. I told him that he was hurting me and he oddly apologized like that wasn’t ok but I still couldn’t leave. I sat there for hours until I finally gave in. He did it for the purpose of trying to get me pregnant so I would marry him, I assume. I know this because for the next 6 months he stalked me and called me asking if I was pregnant. I had the number changed several times yet he still called over and over again. I suppose after so many months he gave up because I just kept telling him I wasn’t pregnant. I wasn’t–I had lost the baby. There was no way I was going to tell him I was.

I never said anything, I suppose it was because I had been threatened so many years before. It wasn’t until recently that I remembered a lot of it. I remembered losing the baby and, even though it was through rape, that hurt a lot. I don’t blame the baby for his horrible actions at all. But the pain of losing the baby overshadowed what he did. In fact, I didn’t remember all of it until he started recently harassing me on Facebook which is where the dark net horror story comes in. At first I didn’t remember much and joked about his car and stuff in the comments but then I saw a movie on either Lifetime or a Criminals Minds episode where the same thing happened to a woman. The same arm movement while shoving her away from the door where she was being held captive by her boyfriend or husband. I saw both shows but I can’t tell you which one it was that triggered the memory. It could have been Devil’s Pond on Lifetime. While what she went through in the movie was far more difficult, this is never easy to deal with.

He would message me and apologize for how he treated me but never once mentioning that last day he held me against my will. He would say really creepy things such as “I still have pictures of you and I go look at them in the attic” or “I still think about you.” This might not be creepy to some, but I knew what he was doing when he said these things. I reminded him about what he did to me and that he was to leave me alone on Facebook and never contact me again. Instead of leaving me alone, he left condolences after my brother had passed. I told him that he had no right to say anything about my brother because my brother probably would have gone to prison protecting me had he known what this rapist did.

Did he leave me alone? No. While he didn’t attend the ceremony because he wasn’t invited, he sent a friend of my brothers and his to send condolences for him because “he couldn’t be there.” Of course he couldn’t be there because the room was full of the friends of my brother and they had no idea of what this guy did to their friend’s little sister. It wouldn’t have been be pleasant for him.

He finally left me alone after he found some other poor woman to deal with his issues. Ironically, when he started harassing me online, he was married and it was after I described to him what he did to me and why I wanted him to leave me alone is when his marriage ended. I would like to think I had something to do with that and she read what a horrible person she had married. I really feel for the next person.

If this ever happens to you or a friend, don’t be shy about it. I was mentally not able to say anything because of the predator when I was 9 but don’t let that be your excuse. This can happen to anyone: men, women, teens, or younger. Don’t be a victim. Tell someone and stop the predator in their tracks and if you are a parent, listen to your child and don’t just put it off as something that happens. We need to be vigilant with these types of people and take away their control forever.

If you have a true story about stalkers and the internet and you would like me to tell it, please click on the contact link on the Dark Net Horror Stories YouTube channel and send the story to me. Shorter stories will be combined with other stories. All stories will be told anonymously unless you request your name be told. Please do not include the names of the accused unless they have been charged with a crime.

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